First Ever Post


Hello and welcome. I am excited to be posting for my very first time!

I am mostly posting this for myself, to get familiar with and used to putting my work out there. I am just starting my journey into game dev, and as such, am very new to most things.

I created this Asteroids game last year during my breaks at work, using HTML5 Canvas and Javascript. I enjoyed it so much that at the beginning of this year, I started learning Unity, and made a goal to create 3 games this year. The first game took me a couple weeks, and is not worth posting; It's just pong, and I made it to get my feet wet in Unity. But the second game is a 2d-battle platformer where you can grab the platforms and throw them at other players. I'm currently working on that one, and I do plan on posting that soon as a partially finished game so that I can get some anonymous feedback earlier on.

Asteroids Game future plans

As far as this game goes though, I don't really plan on changing it as of right now. I coded it from scratch without using any 3rd-party libraries (aside from HowlerJS for audio), so making changes takes a lot of effort. More than I am willing to put in to polish my "Do I enjoy game development?" experiment.

Anyways, thanks for reading. (assuming anyone is even here, and that they made it all the way to the bottom)

I am excited to keep learning, and hopefully I'll see you soon.

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